You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting EMPOWERME90 or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start EMPOWERME90 if your physician or health care provider advises against it.


As you read through this page, I know you will be waiting for me to ask you to buy something. So let me be very clear:

At NO POINT will you be asked to enter your credit card information. So read this message carefully and know that you won't have to pay for anything.  


If you're looking for a new fitness program or challenge, this is not it.  

This is a program that can change your life ... starting from the inside.   Are there physical changes? Yes!

But trust me when I say the physical changes you see on the outside are a FRACTION of the results you can earn by completing EMPOWERME90.  

As you read & learn about the program below, keep that in mind.   This is not your next "internet challenge"...      


How To Take Complete Control of Your Life in Only 90 Days

There's nothing worse than rolling through life in the passenger's seat. You wake up, go to work, and drift through each day with no direction or driving force ... Then you drive home, flip through your favourite tv shows, go to bed, and repeat that same cycle the next day.   Weekdays all run together, and you find yourself trying to pass the time until the weekend ... so you can relax, unwind, and finally enjoy yourself.  

But weekends have no meaning, and you have no real reason to enjoy them either ... and like the weekdays, they all start to run together too.   You see people around you moving forward ... and you start to wonder what they have that you don't, and what they're doing that you're not.  

You start doubting yourself ... Your thoughts beat you up every minute of the day to the point where you feel like you'll always be stuck right where you are in this funk forever.  

The mental struggle turns into a physical struggle. You're not exercising like you used to, because you don't see the point.  

You try program after program, or challenge after challenge to get your body and your mind back into a place where you actually feel great again ...   But those programs turn out to be temporary band-aids ... and before you know it, you're right back at square 1.  

Each failed attempt drains a little more hope from your tank, to the point where you're running on Empty.        

I know exactly how you feel ... because I've been there myself. I spent years feeling like I was nothing, zero self-esteem... floating through the days with no game plan, and no goals, no drive and motivation ...  

Letting myself go mentally, and physically!

Trying everything to get back on track ... only to fall off right after I completed it.   I knew I wasn't the only one going through this ...   I knew there were people just like me going through the same struggles.   I realized that the root cause of all of my problems was not addressed by any existing program.  

Because the REAL PROBLEM I had was a lack of mental toughness & discipline. I followed a programme 75 HARD and this is what brought me to creating EMPOWERME90 

That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands ...   If you don't know who I am, my name is Jade Lawler. I'm an entrepreneur, and the CEO of the Mission2Impact and The Empowerment Projects.  

I am nothing special or outstanding — I am just like you.   I spent the last 15 years figuring out how to master mental toughness & develop the skills needed to take complete control my life & be successful in anything I do.  

I know what it takes ...  

It takes confidence.  

It takes true grit.  

It takes belief in yourself.  

It takes fortitude.  

It takes endurance.  

It takes perseverance.  

It takes a willingness to win.  

These are NOT traits you are born with ...   These are skills you can develop ...

IF you choose to commit to making changes & following through on what you say.   I've taken everything I've learned about mental toughness and made it into a program I call EMPOWERME90.        

My ACTUAL results from Day 1 to Day 90.   The mental changes are 100 x greater than the physical changes..


EMPOWERME90 is the only program that can permanently change your life ... from your way of thinking to the level of discipline you approach every single task in front of you with. This is about mental toughness.  

EMPOWERME90 will show you how to 100 x the following traits in your life ...    

You are in complete control ... and if you choose to follow this program PERFECTLY & without compromise ... you will change your life forever.  

• Make huge strides in your career & have a job that you are proud of  

• Feel completely confident about yourself and your actions  

• Learn how to manage your day, so you can get more done, and quit wasting time on meaningless things  

• Develop amazing relationships with the people who matter in your life  

• Gain independence and the ability to take complete ownership of projects & tasks  

• Completely overhaul the way you think & act  

• Learn how to be honest with yourself and gain the self-awareness to stay on track  

• Be in the best physical shape of your life as a result of the mental transformation you have made    


People have completely changed their life.  

They've become better leaders at work ...  

They've become better mothers & fathers ...  

They've increased their income ...  

They're more confident in themselves ...  

They've made massive physical transformations as a result of the mental transformation ...  

They've taken complete control of their lives ...  

... and the changes they've made are permanent.

I want you to think about what these changes would be worth to you in currency.

If I could honestly deliver that through EMPOWERME 90 ... think about how your entire life would change ... physically, mentally, and financially.  

Every day ... countless "experts" convince people to spend their hard-earned money on programs that only offer a temporary fix.

That's not how I roll ...   EMPOWERME90 will teach you how to completely transform your life through consistent action over the course of 90 days.  

If you commit today, I'll share my EMPOWERME90 with you for the low price of €0 ...  


“But Jade ... why would you give away this program for free if it’s so valuable?”

I’ll tell you why ...   Because I know first-hand how much EMPOWERME90 will change your life.  

Because I know that by completing EMPOWERME90, you will be happier, healthier, and accomplish things you never thought were possible before.   ...and because I don’t want money to stand in your way from doing this program.  

Now, even though it won’t cost you any money ... it ain’t free.  

It will cost you time ... and it will be the hardest thing you’ll ever do!


Absolutely 0 payment necessary.

I know what you’re thinking ... “I’ll start next week after (insert event or other BS excuse here)”  

That thought alone is 100% proof that you need to start EMPOWERME90 immediately.  

I can promise you this ... what you will gain in 90 days will FAR OUTWEIGH any reason for waiting to start.   EMPOWERME90 is not a “Challenge”.   It’s a program.  A tool. It’s a tool that can drastically change you forever and you can come back to if you ever find yourself off course again in life.  

But you have to follow the program with ZERO compromises. Everything in EMPOWERME90 has a purpose that you will understand once you complete the program.  

I see people trying to change or modify the program ...   That’s the WHOLE PROBLEM OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.  

At first glance, to some the program might look simple. Don’t be fooled ... it’s not.  

To others it might look too advanced ... it’s not.   I specifically designed EMPOWERME90 so that no matter where you are at physically, you can do the tasks. Whether you haven’t exercised in a decade, or you hit the gym 7 days a week, you can do this.   You can do this no matter what your starting point is.  

This is not a physical challenge. It is a mental challenge,

designed to develop all of the characteristics you lack in life that have landed you where you are at.   The physical transformations that occur are just the by-product of the mental transformations you will make.  

You need to commit.  

You need to make changes & follow through.  

Stop talking about the stuff you want ... start taking the steps to make REAL changes.

I’m IN! How Do I Start? It’s simple ... just enter your info below, and I’ll get you the information you need to get started ….

Insert sign up link

Your privacy is important. I will never share your information with anyone.

I can't stand it when other people do that either - Jade    

I'm not in yet ... I'm still not sure because:

❓I'll start when I am ready. That my friend, is your entire problem in life. You wait. You wait for the perfect time. You wait for the stars to align with Mercury in retrograde ... or something else crazy like that.

The point is you wait ... and you don't do. Allow me to let you in on a little secret:

There's never a perfect time. The stars never align. You'll never be ready. That's the point of EMPOWERME90 ... to develop the toughness so that no matter what happens in your life, you have the mental fortitude to deal with it. So start ... execute.

  ❓What happens if I fail? It's simple, you start over on Day 1. I've had some say this rule can make people feel like a failure if they have to start over multiple times. Well ... here's the truth:  

If you modify the program just to say you completed it, did you really succeed? No. That's the problem with your whole life ... you constantly modify your plans & goals so you can say you completed them. By doing that, you never achieve what you're actually capable of, and you'll end up feeling worse about yourself, because you know deep down you cheated.   You don't accomplish anything great by changing the rules in your favour just to check the box.  

❓It seems like this would be difficult to sustain. EXACTLY! That's the point. You don't achieve what I'm talking about by doing the program for just a few days or a few weeks.

I made this program 90 days, because that is how long it will take for you to develop these skills ... skills that will stick with you long after you've completed the program.   This isn't another temporary band-aid program that you're used to ... I'm talking about making PERMANENT & POSITIVE changes in the way you live your life.  

❓I'm on the XYZ Diet Training Program, so I can't do EMPOWERME90. You absolutely can do EMPOWERME90. I developed this programme to run in-line with your current fitness program ... no matter what it is. I developed it to run in-line with your current diet program ... no matter what it is.  

There's 2 workouts a day and I don't specify to you what to do there. So plug in the workout from your other program for one of the workouts. Then do another workout that day. Don't forget ... one of the 2 has to be outside. You have to follow a meal plan and again, I don't specify to you what to do there. So plug in a meal plan from any program for that. If you need help or advice just reach out and I can help you Just don't forget ... no cheat meals and no alcohol.  

See how easy that was to do with zero compromise and zero substitutions.  

❓Can I do {insert your random task} instead of one of the EMPOWERME90 tasks? NO ... Because that's the entire problem. You are trying to compromise and adapt things to suit your needs before you ever even start. When you make a small compromise to yourself, it engrains that decision pattern in your life. You subconsciously tell yourself that is OK, and without knowing, create a pattern of compromise across every single area of your life. That compromise nerfs off the sharp edges of what could be an exceptional life.  

You can do this ... so don't start off on the wrong foot by compromising.

  ❓I haven't exercised in years ... and I'm too out of shape right now to do 2 workouts every day. You are not too out of shape to do this. I developed EMPOWERME90 specifically to work for everyone regardless of physical fitness activity. You have to do 2 workouts a day ... and I don't specify what they need to be so that you can do whatever you need to do based on your fitness level. It could literally be as simple as going for two 45-minute walks.   Where you are too "out of shape" is actually mentally. And you and I are going to work on that together over the next 90 days.

  ❓I can't do the outdoor workouts because I can't leave my kids at home. Doing an outdoor workout does not mean you have to run miles away from home. Go to your backyard or driveway, and MOVE. Do jumping jacks, push-ups and sit-ups, jump rope ... anything.   Or ... have your kids exercise with you. It's a great opportunity for you to teach them positive habits while they're young, which will help set them up for success as they grow up!!  

❓This seems pretty easy to me. Right on ... you must be at an advanced fitness level.

That's great and you'll love EMPOWERME90. It will push you far more than you think. Accept the challenge ... and circle back and tell me how easy it is in 90 days when you're done. As you are starting to see ... every possible thing you could say to object to starting the program right now is really just an excuse you are making to get out of doing the work.


